










Pharmamar S.A.

Hovione S.A.






Prof. Tanja Weil – MPI-P
Laboratory - www.mpip-mainz.mpg.de/4589074/Synthese_von_Makromolekuelen
Email: weil@mpip-mainz.mpg.de

The Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) was founded in 1983 on the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University and commenced work in June 1984.
It is focused on soft materials and macro-molecular materials and it is considered one of the top research centers in the field of polymer science.

Dr. Tanja Weil is the Director of the “Synthesis of Macromolecules” department at MPI-P, that aims to develop nanomaterials for biomedical science applications.

Dr. Gonçalo Bernardes – IMM
IMM - www.imm.fm.ul.pt
Laboratory - www.gbernardes-lab.com
Email: gbernardes@fm.ulisboa.pt

The Instituto de Medicina Molecular is a non-profit, private research organization and one of the leading biomedical research institutions in Portugal and Europe. The mission of IMM is to foster basic, clinical and translational biomedical research.

Dr Gonçalo Bernardes is the Director of the Chemical Biology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Unit at IMM. He also holds a prestigious Royal Society University Research Fellowship at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Cambridge, UK. Dr Bernardes has made a strong contribution in the fields of protein chemistry and protein therapeutics. Dr Bernardes has published >50 publications in high profile journals. Dr Bernardes has picked many accolades during his short but successful research career including the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry – Young Investigator Award in Academia 2013, the Silver Medal of the European Young Chemist Award 2014 and the European Prize of the RSEQ Chemical Biology Division 2014. For his efforts in translational research, Dr. Bernardes was distinguished by the Portuguese Ministry of Health (MH) of Portugal for relevant services to Public Health and Medicine.

Leading References:

1. Ferreira MC et al.; Bernardes GJL Angew Chem Int Ed 2015, 54, 1172-1175.
2. Boutureira O; Bernardes GJL Chemical Reviews 2015, 115, 2174-2195.
3. Cal PMSD; Bernardes GJL; Gois PMP Angew Chem Int Ed 2014, 53, 10585.

Dr. Pedro Góis – IMM
FFUL - www.ff.ul.pt
Laboratory - www.ff.ul.pt/~pedrogois
Email: pedrogois@ff.ul.pt

FFUL is a research-oriented institution in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Raking first among the Schools of Pharmacy in Portugal, it provides PhD and master programs aimed at both scientific and professional training of excellence. FFUL host the iMed.ULisboa, a multidisciplinary R&D Unit in Life and Health Sciences, whose mission is to develop novel therapies and benefit human health through top class research. 

Dr Pedro Gois  is a Principal Investigator at FFUL and the head of iMed.Ulisboa Bioorganic group (www.imed.ulisboa.pt). He has published more than 46 papers and filed 5 patents. He has received several awards including the Vicente Seabra Medal 2012 – Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ - best chemist under 40), Portuguese Young Organic Chemist Award (2013) - SPQ and was recently nominated has an Emerging Investigator for 2014 by ChemComm (RSC).

Leading References:

1. Cal PMSD et al.; Gois PMP Chem. Eur. J.  2015, 21, 8182.
2. Cal PMSD; Bernardes GJL; Gois PMP Angew Chem Int Ed 2014, 53, 10585.
3. Cal PMSD et al.; Gois PMP ChemComm 2014, 50, 5261.
4. Cal PMSD et al.; Gois PMP J Am Chem Soc 2012, 134, 10299.
5. Montalbano F et al.; Gois PMP Org Lett 2012, 14, 988.


Prof. Stephen Caddick – UCL
UCL - www.ucl.ac.uk/chemistry
Laboratory - www.ucl.ac.uk/caddick-group
Email: s.caddick@ucl.ac.uk

UCL Department of Chemistry is one of the top Chemistry departments in the UK with a 5** rating. The Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology section comprises 16 academic staff engaged in a variety of research activities that are underpinned by organic synthesis including the development of new reaction methodologies and catalysts, target asymmetric synthesis of molecules with profound biological activity, through to peptide, protein and DNA chemistry, radiochemistry and molecule imaging, single molecule detection, mass spectrometry, bionanotechnology, biocatalysis, chemical genetics and directed evolution. In much of this work interactions with biology and medicine is vital and a number of exciting projects are developing new therapeutics for treatment of a variety of diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular disease. Activities in the areas of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry are coordinated through the Centre for Chemical Biology.

Prof Stephen Caddick was appointed to a lectureship at Birkbeck College London. He was at the University of Sussex for 10 years where he was promoted to a personal chair. In 2003 he was appointed to the Vernon Chair of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology at UCL and was head of the Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology section at UCL until 2008. In 2008 he was made Head of the Department of Chemistry and then VP Enterprise in 2010. He has published >140 papers nd has supervised >40 students to completion of a PhD degree. The SC group comprises of 8 researchers with a 1:1 postdoc:student ratio.

Leading References:

1. Chudasama V; Caddick S et al. Chem Commun 2015, Accepted.
2. Caddick S; Boyle RW et al. Bioconjug Chem 2014, 25, 611-617.
3. Schumacher FF et al.; Caddick S; Baker JR Sci Rep 2013, 3, 1525.
4. Chudasama V et al.; Caddick S Chem Commun 2011, 47, 8781.
5. Smith MEB et al.; Caddick S & Baker JR J Am Chem Soc 2010, 132, 1960.


Prof. Tanja Weil – UULM
UULM - www.uni-ulm.de
Laboratory - www.uni-ulm.de/en/nawi/department-of-organic-chemistry-iii.html
Email: tanja.weil@uni-ulm.de

Ulm University (UULM) is a public university that was funded in 1967. UULM has been ranked at position no. 16 among word’s top 100 universities under the age of 50 in 2014 thus making it the best young university in Germany. It also frequently ranks as one of the top schools in natural sciences in domestic rankings.

Prof. Tanja Weil is the Director of Organic Chemistry III at UULM. She has been awarded the Otto-Hahn Medal of the Max-Planck Society, the science award of the city of Ulm and a Synergy Grant of the European Research Council. Dr.Weil has made a strong contribution in the fields of peptide and protein chemistry and protein therapeutics. Prof. Weil is co-founder of the Ulm Competence Center for Peptide Pharmaceuticals (UPEP) and she serves in several editorial and editorial advisory boards, e.g. for the Journal of the American Chemical Society. She has published 116 publications and she is listed as co-inventor on > 100 patent applications. To date, she has attracted about €4.5 M funding (EU, DFG, BMBF, Volkswagenstiftung, Baden-Württemberg Stiftung).

Leading References:

1. Ng D Y W, Weil T et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 324.
2. WangT, Weil T et al. Chemistry 2014, 10.1002/chem.201403965.
3. Arzt M, Weil T et al. Chemistry Asian J. 2014, 50, 9, 1116.
4. Kuan SL, Weil T et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 17254.
5. Yolamanova M, Weil T et al. Nature Nanotechnol. 2013, 8, 2, 130.


Dr. Francisco Corzana – Uni. La Rioja
La Rioja - www.unirioja.es
Email: francisco.corzana@unirioja.es

The University of La Rioja (UR) is a public institution of higher education based in Logroño, Spain. Inaugurated during 1992-1993 from various existing schools and colleges, it currently teaches Grades 19 adapted to the European Higher Education, and a varied program of masters and summer courses. It has earned the Campus International Excellence for the project "Iberus" presented together with the public universities of Zaragoza, Navarra and Lledia. Students enjoy a personalized learning system that has integrated new technologies with small groups and a personal tutor. The staff at the University of La Rioja is composed of about 450 members of teaching and research staff and 250 other members of the Administration and Services. The ratio remains at 15 students per teacher. The UR is part of Group 9 of Universities, which brings together the nine public campuses that are unique in their autonomous region.

Dr. Corzana is an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry. He is a specialist in peptide and glycopeptide synthesis as well as in conformational analysis of these compounds by NMR and molecular modelling. Dr. Corzana has more than 60 publications and about 20 invited lectures at international meetings.

Leading References:

1. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 3848-3151.
 2. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 3347-3350.
 3. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 8206-8210.
 4. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 789-800.
 5. ACS Chem. Biol. 2014, DOI: 10.1021/ja064539u.


Dr Tuomas Knowles – Uni. Cambridge
Uni. Cambridge - www.ch.cam.ac.uk/
Laboratory – http://www-knowles.ch.cam.ac.uk/
Email: tpjk2@cam.ac.uk

Cambridge University is one of the premier universities in the world. The Chemistry Department has received top 5* rating in the 1996 and 2001 UK Research Assessment Exercises, has an international reputation of excellence, and has ten research-active Fellows of the Royal Society. Fifty research groups covering a vast range of Chemistry are supported by almost 100 technical, computing and clerical staff. There are over 150 postdocs and 250 graduate students engaged in full time research. The Department is also responsible for over 350 publications annually across the whole spectrum of chemical science, and it has created numerous spin-off companies. The Department may well have hosted more EU Human Capital and Mobility or Marie Curie fellows than any other Department in Europe. We have also been members of a vast number of EU training networks. Cambridge University and the Chemistry Department provide a full programme of lectures, seminars, and training activities, backed up by a mentoring scheme for students and an appraisal scheme for postdocs.

Dr Tuomas Knowles is a University Reader in Physical Chemistry. His work in Cambridge is centred around the study of the physicochemical properties and behaviour of biological molecules and soft materials. He is the recipient of a number of prizes including the 2012 Royal Society of Chemistry and an ERC starter grant. He has published 72 papers.

Leading References:

1. Shimanovich U et al.; Knowles TPJ ACS Nano 2015, in press.
2. Shimanovich U, Bernardes GJL, Knowles TPJ Chem Soc Rev 2014 43, 1361.
3. Meisl G et al.; Knowles TP Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 111, 9384.
4. Knowles TPJ et al., Nature Nanotechnol. 2011, 6, 469;
5. Knowles TPJ Nature Nanotechnol. 2010, 5, 204.


Dr Ludger Johannes – Institut Curie
IC - www.institut-curie.org/
Laboratory – https://perso.curie.fr/Ludger.Johannes/
Email: ludger.johannes@curie.fr

Institut Curie (IC) is a modern research centre whose medical activities are entirely dedicated to the treatment of cancer. The main strength of IC is the active collaboration between its world-class Cell Biology and Physics Departments, with strong links to chemistry.

Dr Ludger Johannes is Research Director (INSERM, equivalent to full Professor) in Cell Biology. He directs the Chemical Biology CNRS-INSERM unit at the Curie Institute. With Frédéric Schmidt's team from the chemistry section of the unit, he aims at establishing fundamental concepts of endocytosis and intracellular trafficking, and at exploiting these discoveries in fundamental membrane biology for the development of innovative cancer therapy strategies. He is inventor on 9 patent families, founder of 2 biotech companies, and EMBO member since 2012. The results of his group have been published in several high-ranking journals.

Leading References:

1. Renard HF et al.; Johannes L Nature 2015, Accepted.
2. Lakshminarayan R et al., Johannes L Nat Cell Biol 2014, 16, 595.
3. Ewers H et al., Johannes L Nat Cell Biol 2010, 12, 11.
4. Römer W et al., Johannes L Cell 2010, 140, 540.
5. Römer W et al., Johannes L Nature 2007 450, 670.



Prof Christian Becker  – UniVie
UniVie - www.univie.ac.at/en/
Laboratory – https://biologischechemie.univie.ac.at/en/overview/
Email: christian.becker@univie.ac.at

At the Institute of Biological Chemistry chemical approaches, such as solid phase peptide synthesis, are combined with biotechnological approaches in order to produce site-specifically modified proteins. Linking synthetic peptides and expressed proteins becomes possible through chemoselective ligation reactions and provides access to proteins with tailor-made properties. These proteins help to answer remaining biological questions regarding folding, enzymatic activity and protein-protein interactions in vitro and in vivo as well as addressing biomedicinal aspects such as delivery of peptide and protein drugs.

Prof Christian Becker is the Head of the Institute of Biological Chemistry, and Full Professor at the University of Vienna. In 2010 he became a co-founder of Syntab Therapeutics GmbH, a company specializing in the development of synthetic antibodies. His research interests include the chemical synthesis/ semisynthesis and site-specific modification of proteins. His research has led to 57 publications.

Leading References:

  1. Lechner CC; Becker CF Biomater Sci 2014, in press.
 2. Bello C; Becker CF et al. Chem Sci 2014, 5, 1634.
 3. Lechner C; Becker CF J Pep Sci 2014, 20, 152.
 4. Lechner CC; Becker CF Bioorg Med Chem 2013, 21, 3533.
 5. Lechner CC; Becker CF Chem Sci 2012, 3, 500.

Pharmamar S.A.


PharmaMar (www.pharmamar.com), a wholly owned member of the Zeltia Group, is a biopharmaceutical company determined to advance cancer treatment through discovering, developing, producing, and marketing innovative drugs of marine origin. PM has a unique marine organism library containing over 140,000 specimens. PharmaMar’s Research, Development, and Innovation Department has discovered 700 new chemical entities and identified more than 30 new families of compounds. As a result of this work, PharmaMar has over 1800 patents that either have been awarded or are in the processing stage. Yondelis®, developed by PharmaMar and approved by the European Commission in 2007 for the treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma, and in 2009 for the treatment of Relapsed Ovarian Cancer, is the first in a new generation of antitumour drugs developed from marine compounds. PharmaMar has four other pipeline compounds, Aplidin®, Zalypsis®, PM01183 and PM060184 in different phases of clinical evaluation. PharmaMar ranks among the leading Spanish pharmaceutical companies that invest heavily in Research, Development, and Innovation. The company has a workforce of 300 highly qualified professionals who specialize in the pharmaceutical sector.

Carmen Cuevas, PhD. Research & Development Director has held this position since 2003 and is responsible for the R&D Department at PharmaMar including the areas of Drug Discovery, Medicinal Chemistry and Preclinical. Carmen is author of more than 85 Scientific International Publications in specialized reviews, 21 patent applications, and 33 communications to international Congresses and has participated in more than 20 Financed Research Programs. Simon Munt, DPhil. (15%), Medicinal Chemistry Manager (PharmaMar). Dr Munt has over 20 years of experience within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry and in the research, development, scale-up and commercialisation of new medicines.

Hovione S.A.


Hovione (www.hovione.com) is a global company with over 50 years’ experience in API and Drug Product Intermediate development and compliant manufacture. Hovione offers integrated API, innovative particle engineering technologies, formulation development and manufacturing for both oral and non-oral dosage forms. Hovione has generated revenues of $201 million (FY2013) and employs over 1250 people, 168 of which in R&D, across its industrial presence in the US, Ireland, China and Portugal.

Dr William Heggie (15%) – Key expertise in Synthetic organic chemistry and process development for the production of large scale batches of APIs. Expert Knowledge of writing and defending patent applications. More than 30 years in the industry sector .



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